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HumBio Highlights Newsletter
Stay up to date with all things HumBio from upcoming events to professional and academic accomplishments of members of the community in our new bi-quarterly newsletter, HumBio Highlights.
To submit content for the newsletter, please contact our Communications & Outreach Officer, Jessica Frydenberg at frydenbj [at] (frydenbj[at]stanford[dot]edu).

- Newsletter
Deconstructing the Neurobiology of Sleep
#DoBoth: Changing the Narrative for Athletes in Medicine
Embracing Growth and Reflection: Highlights from HumBio's Senior Capstone Experience
HumBio Says Thank You and Happy Retirement to Professor David…

- Newsletter
Building Community: A Look at Stanford's Black Pre-Medical Organization
Leading the Way: HumBio Student Elected President of ASSU
Advocating for Underserved Communities Through Research
HumBio Says Thank You and Good Luck to Professor Don Barr…

- Newsletter
Taking Action: HumBio Efforts Amidst a Growing Mental Health Crisis
HumBio Fulbright Scholars Prepare for Takeoff
A HumBio Student's Journey to Body Positivity
Thank You, Virginia Marchman
And more!

- Newsletter
Letter from the Director
HumBio 50th - Core Strength: Vision & Change in the HumBio Core
A Welcome to Jesse Calderon, Our New Students Services Specialist
The HumBio Core & The Transition to Remote Learning
The Passing of Dr. Tien…