
HumBio Founders (from left to right, top: Sandy Dornbusch, Paul Ehrlich, David Hamburg, Al Hastorf, bottom: Don Kennedy, Norm Kretchmer, Joshua Lederberg, Colin Pittendrigh)
50 years ago, the Program in Human Biology was founded amidst a turbulent time of social and political unrest. A group of visionary thinkers came together with the common goal of creating an interdisciplinary education program to prepare students to face the challenges of the modern world.
One of the first interdisciplinary program of its kind, Human Biology set out to provide exposure to and training across multiple disciplines to develop student's abilities to think creatively and effectively about the problems facing humanity. The importance of this mission remains undiminished as our world grows ever more complex and interconnected.

The Creation of HumBio
Learn about the inception of HumBio in these interviews with the founders and long-time faculty.

Stanford Historical Society: 40th Anniversary Panel
Dive into HumBio's rich history with this panel of HumBio founders and long-time faculty in honor of HumBio's 40th in 2011.

80s Core Lectures
Listen to HumBio Core lectures from the 80s taught by some of the founders and long-time faculty.

HumBio Wall of Fame: SAs and CAs
A list of the program's student advisors (SAs) and core teaching assistants/core course associates (CAs) over the years.