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The Capstone is a requirement for all Human Biology majors, and can be fulfilled in several ways outlined below. More detailed information can be found in the Capstone Handbook.

  • HUMBIO 191 Human Biology Practicum, 1 unit
  • HUMBIO 192 Human Biology Synthesis, 6 units
  • HUMBIO 194 Human Biology Honors, 10 units (see Honors handbook)

Flowchart of HumBio Capstone Options

Non-Human Biology programs that also fulfill the capstone requirement:

Two women taking a selfie. Text overlayed in transparent cream reads body & face

Interdisciplinary Honors

Example of Notation in Science Communication Project

Notation in Science Communication

Kat Klass (water polo) and Alex Ostberg (Cross country)

Capstone in Exercise Physiology

As Human Biology students, Stanford athletes, and former Exercise Physiology TAs, Kat Klass and Alex Ostberg wanted to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and application for competitive sports. We felt that there was a lack of coherent and synthesized information about how research findings could be integrated into the lifestyles and training programs of collegiate athletes. As people who firmly believe in the scientific method, we wanted to draw evidence-based practices from a field that is often littered with pseudoscience and anecdotal evidence. To do this, we researched both well-known and obscure training techniques, and tried to distill the most applicable lessons from a variety of sources.