
Please join Human Biology in congratulating Alfred Delena, Christian Leal, and Gabriella Momah! The 2015 James W. Lyons Award for Service was given to 8 Stanford students, 3 hail from Human Biology.

Alfred (HB '16) was awarded for his…

Join Human Biology in congratulating Alfred Delena for winning the Harry S. Truman Scholarship for graduate studies.

Alfred Delenda was born and raised on the Pueblo of Zuni reservation in New Mexico, and is one of 58 recipients of this…

Join Human Biology in congratulating Tanvi Jayaraman for her selection as a Donald A. Strauss Scholar. The Strauss Foundation selects young leaders from 15 California colleges and universities to undertake high-impact projects in public service…

Anne Fernald is the Josephine Knotts Knowles Professor of Human Biology at Stanford University. As director of the Language Learning Lab in the Department of Psychology, she conducts experimental studies of language processing by infants and…

HumBio congratulates Emily Witt on winning the 2015 Rhodes Scholarship!