Sam Richardson '02, Associate Professor of the Practice of Economics, Boston College

Graduation Year

HumBio area of study: Health Policy
The summer before my freshman year, I sat down with the full list of Stanford majors and crossed out roughly half of them: the subjects I *knew* I didn't want to study. I crossed out both Human Biology and Economics, which ended up being my major and minor. (I still use this story to encourage my students to be open to changing their academic paths.)
After completing Harvard's Ph.D. in Health Policy, I have made a point of spreading the HumBio gospel of interdisciplinarity wherever I go. As a professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT-Austin, I helped design a new Health & Society program ( And now as an economics professor at Boston College, I am helping to design a new major in Health, Humanities, and Society. I'm guessing y'all know what Oscar Wilde said about imitation and flattery.

Headshot of Sam Richardson