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Aiyanna Johns

Student Advisors
Headshot of SA Aiyanna Johns

Hi, all! I’m Aiyanna and it’s such an honor to be one of your SA’s this year. I’m a fifth-year senior from Long Beach, CA (ask me about my gap year!). My concentration, Child Health Equity, is inspired by Stanford Medicine’s Office of Child Health Equity, which works to promote health justice for mothers and children. As an aspiring pediatrician, I’m passionate about the right of every child to achieve their best possible health status and educational attainment in the face of racism and poverty. Some of my favorite classes have been Social Environmental Determinants of Health and the REACH Health Equity Seminar, both of which are Cardinal Courses. I’m happy to share more about how impactful those service-learning experiences were and how you can find Cardinal Courses that deepen your own studies. I’m currently working on a community-based honors thesis in partnership with Ecumenical Hunger Program in East Palo Alto. I love hearing about students’ research; please stop by and tell me all about yours! 

I spend my free time laughing (loudly) with my family, sending my friends absurd Instagram reels, trying new foodie spots, and volunteering with the Stanford Housing Equity Project. I truly love this department and our amazing HumBio community and I’m so excited to help you on your academic journey!
