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HumBio Degree Progress Checks for Seniors

Student Services will be using both SFACT and MAP to confer HumBio major degree requirements. Automated reminders throughout the year will be sent via Smartsheet.


  1. Meet with Student Services in Autumn (note: individual deadlines based on alphabetical order found below).
    1. Capstone option required in SFACT by October 1st.
  2. Meet with Student Services anytime you have changes to make within SFACT. SFACT must be in an approved state before courses are input into MAP. 
  3. Update MAP each quarter with approved coursework from SFACT during the enrollment period. Note: NCAA Student-Athletes must meet with Student Services to update MAP. 
  4. By your final undergraduate quarter, MAP and SFACT must match exactly. 
  5. Fill out the HumBio Diploma Ceremony form (available in March) and Apply to Graduate (refer to Registrar's Office deadlines)!

SFACT (Course of Study Design Tool) : This is used to approve courses of study and any course changes. When requesting course changes, students must meet with Student Advisors (SAs) or Student Services for reapproval. Courses approved within SFACT will fulfill HumBio degree requirements. 

MAP (My Academic Path) : You will use Stanford's degree audit tool (MAP) to document your progress towards your degree requirements. As a HumBio major, it is up to you to manage your MAP entries so that they match SFACT exactly by your final undergraduate quarter. Each quarter, you will enter into MAP the previously approved Breadth, Depth, and Upper Division courses you enroll in.  Be careful to add only courses that have been approved in SFACT. Note that the MAP system will allow you to add courses even if they have not been approved by HumBio for your individual course of study. Before you enroll in a course and add it to MAP, it is your responsibility to seek approval from HumBio.  On the other hand, if an approved course does not appear as an option in MAP, you will need to request an exception with Student Services. Don’t forget that by your final undergraduate quarter, MAP and SFACT must match exactly. 

Regular communication with Student Services and timely updates to both SFACT and MAP are essential throughout Senior year.  You can schedule an appointment using the links below:

For seniors, it's crucial to adhere to the following deadlines to avoid any delays in completing your HumBio degree requirements. Automated reminders will be sent regularly via Smartsheet throughout the enrollment period of each quarter.

Autumn Quarter Check (September 5th - November 22nd)

By October 1st, students must update SFACT with their Capstone choice. In MAP, HumBio 191: Practicum is the default choice, for all other options you will need to click on Select Alternate Path

Once enrolled in Autumn courses, Move Classes in MAP for any Breadth, Depth or Upper Division requirements.

All Seniors must meet with Student Services to review remaining HumBio coursework for Senior year. Individual degree progress check dates are assigned for Seniors by last name. Students may schedule a meeting anytime during their assigned week but must update MAP and schedule the meeting by Monday of the assigned week as listed below:

  • Week 1: NCAA Athletes due September 27th
                     Autumn & Winter quarter graduates due September 27th, afterwards MAP will be locked for changes; see Final Quarter Check
  • Week 2: A-B due October 4th
  • Week 3: C-Di due October 11th
  • Week 4: Do-J due October 18th
  • Week 5: K-L due October 25th
  • Week 6: M-O due November 1st
  • Week 7: P-R due November 8th
  • Week 8: S due November 15th
  • Week 9: T - Z due November 22nd 
Important: Students may view notes about their remaining coursework from the Autumn degree progress check in SFACT. 

All Seniors should have met with Student Services prior to Thanksgiving Break and no later than Winter Quarter Enrollment. This ensures you understand exactly what coursework is required to graduate.

Winter Quarter Check (December 5 - January 10th)

Once enrolled in courses, Move Classes in MAP for any Breadth, Depth or Upper Division requirements by January 10th. For Seniors with an approved course of study in SFACT, no meeting with Student Services is required. 

Seniors with updates to be made in SFACT may consult with Student Advisors (SAs) but should schedule a meeting with Student Services for reapproval anytime during the Winter enrollment period but no later than January 10th.

Final Quarter Check (Spring dates March 6th - March 21st)
  1. All Seniors must complete the HumBio Diploma Ceremony form by March 21st which will be sent directly to you via Smartsheet. Reach out to HumBioadviaing [at] (humbioadvising[at]lists[dot]stanford[dot]edu) if you have not received it by March 6th. 
  2. Once enrolled in courses, Move Classes in MAP for any Breadth, Depth or Upper Division requirements. Spring quarter courses should be entered no later than March 21st. For Seniors with an approved course of study in SFACT, no meeting with Student Services is required. 
    1. Take care of any issues regarding outstanding grades for a prior quarter. A minimum grade of C- is required for the courses that fulfill the HumBio major requirements where a letter grade is required.
    2. If transfer credit courses used towards your degree requirements are not appearing in MAP, please complete the Transfer Credit Request Form found on the HumBio Transfer Policies page.
  3. Seniors with updates to be made in SFACT may consult with Student Advisors (SAs) but should schedule a meeting with Student Services for reapproval anytime during the enrollment period but no later than the end of their penultimate quarter, March 21st for Spring & Summer graduates.

    Prior to the start of your final quarter, typically over Spring Break, Student Services will complete a final degree progress check where MAP and SFACT must match exactly. If there are discrepancies between MAP and SFACT, Seniors must meet with Student Services no later than the end of Week 1 of their final quarter to resolve any issues, otherwise, there may be a delay in your degree conferral.

During your final quarter, Seniors will not be able to make changes to MAP for HumBio degree requirements without meeting with Student Services. 

Apply to Graduate in Axess 

Refer to the Registrar's website for specific dates and deadlines for each quarter. You can find a step-by-step guide and other "to do" items on the Registrar's website. The Registrar's Office will send a separate email to Seniors regarding university requirements. Coterm students should contact their graduate program about when it is best to apply to graduate.

If a course change is needed after you have completed your Degree Progress Check, e-mail humbioadvising [at] (HumBio Student Services)